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Příspěvek 2024-09-20 20:43:47

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Washington braced for a partial shutdown on Oct. 1 asCongress struggled to pass an emergency spending bill thatRepublicans want to use to achieve Tea Party-backed goals, suchas defunding the new healthcare reform law.


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A win for Boeing would offer a keen incentive for the to stay deeply rooted in Japan, and industry sourcesexpect a lobbying backlash as pressure from the aerospaceindus­try's political backers comes to bear.


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This was during the cross-country. In those days it wasn’t as professional as it is today, and none of us had any proper training. If you wanted to teach your horse to jump into water, you just found a puddle in the road. In fact, this moment was the first time I’d ever jumped him into a water jump, so though I was quite a brave rider, I was apprehensive of hurting or disillusioning him.


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Columbia University’s e­minent-domain-fueled northward expansion was so controversial that the institution signed a generous “community benefits agreement” — and the benefits are already flowing, the school claims.


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“The way Nova was throwing the baseball, you felt that might hold up,” Girardi said of the 4–0 edge. “Pretty good downhill with his fastball, really good curveball, mixed in a few changeups. That’s kind of the formula for him.”


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Ms Maynard said: „Changing attitudes is at the heart of legacy. The Paralympics were a breakthrough moment. Disabled people had never been so visible. Disability had never been talked about so openly but you don't change society in a fortnight. "Speak to disabled people and the same issue comes up: ‚benefit scrounger‘ rhetoric; the divisive myth that most people on benefits are skivers. Disabled people say they feel like they've done something wrong, because they need support to do the same things as everyone else.“


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MOSCOW, Oct 14 (Reuters) – Rosneft and Transneft have agreed in principle to increase Russian oilsupplies to China, the latter said on Monday – a relaxing oftensions between the two over pipeline network expansion costs.


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